NAEH Blog Post on Evidence Based Solutions for RRH Programs

Check out this great post from NAEH about solving Rapid Re-Housing challenges!

This post is part of an Alliance blog series highlighting the Rapid Re-housing Learning Collaboratives in Georgia and Maryland. Read more about Learning Collaboratives here.

For the past 11 months, the National Alliance to End Homelessness has been working with twenty-eight rapid re-housing providers in the state of Maryland to ramp up their outcomes. In Learning Collaboratives facilitated by the Alliance in partnership with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, providers learned how to build organizational capacity, implement strategic changes, and set strategic goals to:

  • Move more people from homelessness to permanent housing
  • Reduce the average length of time households are homelessness
  • Implement rapid re-housing that serves individuals with high barriers to housing

By coming together to discuss their common challenges and strategies, providers can transform their practices. Their new knowledge was then immediately put to the test in the #MDHousingChallenge, a 100-day period where providers are challenged to house more people than they ever have.

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