Taking a Client-Centered Approach to Collecting HMIS Data

Continuum of Care (CoC) leadership and providers, researchers, advocates, and the HUD Technical Assistance (TA) providers engaged in an intentional evaluation and redesign of race, ethnicity, and gender data elements collected in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). People with lived experience of homelessness, community partners, homeless service providers, civic leaders, and anyone who wanted to contribute – were involved in making these critical improvements. The FY2024 HMIS Data Standards were updated based on the feedback provided.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT, HUD will sponsor a webinar to discuss the HMIS Data Standards changes and the lessons learned from the process.

HUD published “We Listened – Centering Identity Through Changes in Data Collection” to outline some of the feedback received and how it changed the data collected. HMIS data elements was the process of engaging community partners, especially people with lived experience of homelessness, to improve how people experiencing homelessness are served.

Register for the webinar

Data Quality Report Cards Q1 2023 Published!

The Q1 2023 HMIS Data Report Cards have been published! Review your agency’s data here!

These report cards look at the main components of Data Quality: Data Completeness, Data Accuracy, and Data Timeliness.

The first tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Completeness and Data Accuracy of the Universal Data Elements for each project in our system, and for all our system as a whole. This tab includes:

  • The Percentage of enrollments that fall into the following data response categories: Valid Responses, Don’t know/Refused, Data not Collected, Missing Response, and Data Issues The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.
  • The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.

The second tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Timeliness of each project of our system. This tab shows the percentage of enrollments that fall into the following length of time categories: 0-3 days, 4-7 days, 16-30 days, and more than 31 days.

The Report Cards can now be filtered by Agency Name. To view the results for a particular agency, navigate to the dropdown labeled “Agency” and make a selection. The report can also be filtered by Project Name.

If you have any questions, please enter a ticket to the HMIS Help Desk.

Registration Open: 2023 National CARES Act Virtual Conference – May 22 – 25, 2023

Join fellow grantees in learning how to best administer CARES Act funding, with sessions covering Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CDBG-CV), Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS CARES Act (HOPWA-CV), and Emergency Solutions Grants CARES Act (ESG-CV). Grantees and technical assistance providers will share best practices for resilience, financial and administrative controls, and more. The conference will feature four days of virtual training to help grantees best use CARES Act funding to help their communities prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Attendees may attend all sessions or a subset, according to their interests and needs. Each session will allow time for questions and answers. Register here today!

You must have a HUD Exchange account to register. Follow these instructions for registering.

Conference Point of Contact: 2023 National CARES Act Virtual Conference Registrar, trainings@hudexchange.info

Conference Objectives

CARES Act grantees will be better equipped to spend CARES Act funding effectively by learning:

  • How to use CARES Act funding in innovative ways to prevent and prepare for the Coronavirus pandemic in a lasting way
  • Best practices for administering CDBG-CV funds that promote long-term resilience to the threats posed by COVID-19
  • How to best design and execute successful financial and administrative controls for CDBG-CV funding

HMIS Training Webinar: CES Reports

As discussed at the April OC HMIS User Meeting, 211OC will be host an HMIS Training Webinar on Thursday, April 27th from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 

This is an optional webinar for new HMIS users or existing HMIS users who are interested in learning more about the CES Reporting in HMIS. 

Click this link to join the meeting webinar on April 27th. There is no need to register or RSVP.

LSA (Longitudinal System Analysis) Report FY 2022 has been Published

Every year, HUD submits an Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to the US Congress. The AHAR is a national-level report that provides information about homeless service providers, people and households experiencing homelessness, and various characteristics of that population. It informs strategic planning for federal, state, and local initiatives designed to prevent and end homelessness. The LSA report is produced from each CoC’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), and is compiled to create the AHAR report to Congress.

Check out the LSA Report FY 2022 here.

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