2020 Data Standards Trainings Published!

The 2020 Data Standards Trainings have been published! These trainings cover key changes in the upcoming 2020 HUD Data Standards which will go into effect in HMIS on October 1st, 2019. This year’s data standards changes are relatively minimal! We estimate that the 2020 General Data Standards training will take 10-30 minutes to complete and all supplemental trainings 5-15 minutes to complete.

Any users who have not completed required trainings by September 30th, 2019, will have their HMIS accounts locked until training has been completed. Please see the email sent to all HMIS Agency Administrators for more details.

Homeless Prevention Project Performance Reports Available Now!

In September 2018 the Data and Performance Management Committee began reviewing project performance data broken down by project type, rather than reviewing project performance data for all project types at once. Homeless Prevention project performance data was first analyzed in March 2018. Attendees of the March Data and Performance Management Meeting reviewed project performance and participated in a collaborative discussion on how to make improvements on the measures outside of HMIS. This report represents the progress that Homeless Prevention projects have made with their data over the past five months.

Click here to view the report.

Save the Date: Cross-System Partnerships to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness Webinar – July 8, 2019 – 1:30 PM EDT

Join HUD, the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), and representatives from Nashville, San Francisco, and Connecticut as they discuss their work across systems to prevent and end youth homelessness. The teams will talk about new and exciting partnerships between young people with experiences of homelessness, and people representing the homeless response system, schools, child welfare, juvenile justice, and behavioral health systems. Come with your questions and an eagerness to engage in the conversation.

The audience for this webinar is anyone who is looking to improve system collaboration to address and end youth homelessness, including: Youth with lived experience Leadership or staff from the Continuum of Care, child welfare, and juvenile justice Education liaisons Other partners in the effort to end youth homelessness Registration is not required.

Simply join the webinar on July 8, 2019 at 1:30 PM EDT. For questions, please contact Jenn Yang jennifer.yang@csh.org.

2019 Point in Time Results

The County of Orange has released a summary infographic of the 2019 Point in Time Count (PIT), which was discussed at the April 24th Continuum of Care Board meeting. Feel free to look over the infographic for the results of the unshelthered and shelthered PIT counts.

Thank you to all of the agencies who collaborated with 2-1-1 Orange County to complete the sheltered count; your time and attention to the PIT helps us better understand the state of persons experiencing homelessness in Orange County and is integral to the goal of ending homelessness.

Round 3 YHDP Application Now Available

The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Round 3 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is now available. YHDP is an initiative designed to address systemic responses to youth homelessness and significantly reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness in up to 25 participating communities (8 of which will be rural). HUD strongly encourages all communities to consider applying.

View the Round 3 YHDP NOFA.

Application Information

  • Submission Deadline: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 11:59:59 PM EDT
  • Carefully and thoroughly read the YHDP NOFA to clearly understand the program expectations, requirements, rating and ranking factors before applying. The FY 2018 NOFA is similar to the FY 2017 NOFA, but there are important changes; please make sure to thoroughly read the new NOFA to understand the changes.
  • This application is for your community’s participation in the initiative only. Project funding applications will only be submitted by communities selected to participate.
  • This application must be submitted by a community’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Collaborative Applicant, but must be co-developed with a broad array of community partners, including a youth action board*, a state or local child welfare agency*, youth homelessness housing and service providers, local school districts, workforce development organizations, law enforcement, judges, corrections, and more.
  • Applications will be submitted through grants.gov (and not through e-snaps).

*formal participation agreement required

Additional Resources

HUD will be holding a webinar on the NOFA on March 28, 2019 from 12:30-2:00 PM EDT. Further information and a registration link will be sent in a future message.

Visit the YHDP page on the HUD Exchange for links to the NOFA, Ask a Question (AAQ) portal, FAQs, and additional resources.

Safety Planning with Women Experiencing Homelessness Webinar

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council will be presenting a webinar on March 27, 2019 exploring the importance of safety planning and how violence affects the lives of women without homes. Learn how you can improve services for women experiencing homelessness through trauma-informed, quality care.

Women and families are the fastest-growing segments of the American homeless population. Whether on the streets, doubled-up, or temporarily sheltered, women without homes face complex challenges such as increased risk of sexual assault, lack of access to preventive and prenatal care, and all-too-prevalent trauma.

This webinar is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insight into the tools and resources needed to provide effective and trauma-informed assistance to women and families in the homeless population.

Webinar: Thursday, March 27, 2019 at 12:45 PM Eastern Register 

HIC/ Sheltered PIT Data Collection Training (Webinar) 1/14/2018

In preparation for the HIC and Sheltered PIT counts, scheduled for 1/22/2019, 2-1-1 OC will provide a HIC and Sheltered PIT webinar training to prepare you for data collection. The training will take place 1/14/2019 from 10 to noon and will cover how to fill out the HIC and Sheltered PIT forms for all residential projects, review whats new for 2019 data collection procedures, and answer questions. All ES, TH, and PH projects are highly encouraged to attend the HIC/Sheltered PIT Data Collection Training.

Use the link below to access the webinar on the date and time of the meeting (you do not need to register ahead of time). The webinar will be recorded for those unable to attend and made available on our website.

Monday, January 14th from 10:00am – 12:00pm
Meeting link: https://zoom.us/s/684955058

Webinars: Building community support for effective shelter

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Webinar: Getting Your Board on Board with Low-Barrier, Housing-Focused Shelter

Making the shift to low-barrier, housing-focused shelter can be both exciting and scary — especially for your Board of Directors. In an upcoming Alliance webinar, shelter operators will share how they educated and encouraged their Boards to adopt shelter best practices. Speakers will discuss strategies to improve outcomes while also building community and funder support for shifting shelter models.

Webinar: Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern • Register»

Webinar: All the Latest on Rapid Re-Housing for Youth

The latest data from HUD show that funding for youth rapid re-housing (RRH) has increased by over 2000 percent since 2014! As more communities and providers across the country implement youth RRH, an upcoming Alliance webinar will highlight the latest research, assessment tools, and best practices for youth RRH. Hear from a youth RRH provider and national researchers what you need to know to ramp up the program in your community.

Webinar: Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern • Register»

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