Update: Closing the Gap: Homelessness to Housing Webinar Series

Registration is open for the next three sessions: Street Outreach, Implementing System Change, and Optimizing Service Delivery. Register today!

This webinar series provides guidance and fosters innovation in best practices and strategies in stakeholder engagement for homelessness services systems. It will cover topics designed to help communities establish equitable, effective homelessness responses through meaningful collaboration, resource coordination, and efficient service delivery.

Training Objectives

Participants will learn about:

  • Incorporating people with lived experience and expertise into homelessness responses
  • Coordinating with healthcare and other non-federal resources
  • Creating direct pathways from homelessness to housing
  • Operationalizing best practices
  • Identifying and connecting with community resources

Who Should Attend?

This webinar series is intended for everyone involved in the homelessness response system, including but not limited to Continuum of Care (CoC) staff and leadership, program administrators, direct service staff and program management, and recipients and sub-recipients of Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and CoC funding.

Schedule and Registration

Webinar Title Date and Time Registration
Stakeholder Engagement and Advancing Equity August 4, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Materials Coming Soon
Coordinating Homeless Services Resources August 11, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Materials Coming Soon
Street Outreach August 18, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now
Implementing System Change August 25, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now
Optimizing Service Delivery September 1, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now

*** You must have a HUD Exchange account to register. Follow these instructions for registering

Training Point of Contact

Homelessness to Housing Webinar Series Registrar | trainings@hudexchange.info

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