OC HMIS sharing on behalf of The Office of Care Coordination (OCC).
OCC is proud to announce the launch of the Orange County (OC) Coordinated Entry System (CES) Academy, a training platform, and the launch of the CES 101 training module. The CES 101 training module is an introductory course that will provide an overview of CES. The CES 101 training module is designed with a wide audience in mind and has something for the most experienced CES navigator or someone unfamiliar with CES. The OC CES Academy will continue to evolve over time to include training modules for Access Points and Housing Providers that will focus on specific CES processes and procedures, as the need arises for additional CES tools and resources, and when CES policies and practices change.
To view OC CES Academy, visit egovoc.com/ces-training/, where you can register to create an account or continue as a guest. Please note currently it is not possible to use a “gmail.com” email address to create an account.
The Office of Care Coordination encourages you to utilize the same email that you use to sign into the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database to create an account. This will be helpful in the future as completion of the CES 101 module and future trainings applicable to your role will be required for CES access and this will support our tracking of the training completion. This will be a supplement to and does not replace the existing required CES and HMIS training courses provided by OC HMIS.
Please reach out to coordinatedentry@ocgov.com with any questions.