SOAR Webinar: Understanding New SSA Policies and Online Services -March 6th, 2025 – 12:00 PM PST

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has recently updated many of its policies and enhanced its online services. SOAR-trained providers must stay informed about these updates, especially those that impact providing quality and effective SSI/SSDI representation for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Join us for an informative webinar where we will discuss some of those key policy and online services updates which affect the SOAR community. You’ll hear from panelists from the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center and SSA. A SOAR provider will also share their knowledge about these changes and strategies for collaborating with your local SSA Field Offices to help applicants access SSI/SSDI benefits.

March 6th at 12pm

Register for webinar.

Continuum of Care Trainings and Opportunities for Participation

The Office of Care Coordination, on behalf of the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC) is sharing reminders for trainings and opportunities to participate in. Please find details below.

HUD’s Equal Access Rule

Through this training, service providers will learn how to effectively implement HUD’s Equal Access Rule to ensure fair housing and shelter opportunities for people experiencing homelessness, as well as ensuring the preservation of families accessing housing and shelter. Please find details on the upcoming training below: 

Date: Monday, September 9, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 970 2330 0938
Passcode: coc2024

Social Services Agency (SSA) Overview Presentation

Through this presentation the County of Orange Social Services (SSA) will inform attendees about the CalFresh, General Relief, Medi-Cal and CalWORKs application and enrollment processes. Please find details on the upcoming training below: 

Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 991 4442 9205
Passcode: 515606

Register Today: Coordinated Entry Equity Initiative Webinar Series

This webinar series, hosted by Cloudburst and sponsored by HUD, will discuss the Coordinated Entry (CE) Equity Initiative and how communities can address racial disparities in their homelessness response system through an inclusive and trauma-informed process.

Webinar Title Date and Time Registration
HUD Equity Initiative Product Drop:
Looking Back, Moving Forward
(Part 1)
Thursday, August 29, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
Register Now
HUD Equity Initiative Product Drop:
Looking Back, Moving Forward
(Part 2)
Thursday, September 12, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
Register Now

This webinar series is intended for anyone interested in learning more about the CE Equity Initiative and its related tools and products.

HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course: Cohort 12 – Starting April 29, 2024

Registration is now open for the 12th cohort of the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course. The goal of this immersive course is to provide a conceptual and practical framework for ad hoc reporting utilizing Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data. This self-paced course is open to anyone in your community who is interested in analyzing, interpreting, and communicating HMIS data.

This is an introductory level course and might be a good fit for newer members of your HMIS team or someone looking to brush up on their data skills. Participants are not expected to have high-level technical or statistical skills; only basic knowledge of the following is needed:

  • HMIS data standards
  • How to pull an HMIS comma-separated value (CSV) file set, unless the participant has access to someone who can pull HMIS reports for them
  • How to enter data into Excel and navigate within it

The data analytics course will equip participants with the skills to create a data brief highlighting trends to engage communities to drive insights into action. A combination of content, hands-on skill-building, and recommended resources are provided to help a basic data user build skills and knowledge necessary to be an advanced data professional while providing opportunities for ongoing professional development and learning. Participants will have eight weeks to complete six course modules at their own pace. Course participants will also receive a certificate upon completion of all six modules.

Trauma Informed and Equitable Approaches to Data Collection for HMIS Webinar

Abt TA providers, in partnership with Cal ICH, have developed a webinar on Trauma-Informed and Equitable Approaches to Data Collection for grantees and other entities that collect information from people served by the homelessness system and enter data into Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS). This webinar introduces grantees of California state-funded homelessness programs to concepts related to trauma and its presentation, defines trauma-informed and equitable approaches, and applies this perspective to inform best practices in data collection for HMIS.

The webinar is available to view at the link below, and slides are attached.

Trauma-Informed and Equitable Data Collection in HMIS

Client-Centered and Trauma-Informed Data Collection Virtual Reality Resources Now Available

New resources to assist communities in training workers to take a client-centered and trauma-informed approach to data collection are now available. The FY 2024 HMIS Data and Technical Standards provided first-time guidance on how data collection should be approached: “Communities [should also] employ a person-centered approach to the review and use of the HMIS Data Manual with a clear foundational understanding of racial trauma and trauma-informed practices, cultural humility, and a person first, data-informed perspective.”

Immerse Yourself in this Virtual Reality Experience

The Client-Centered Data Collection Approach: Virtual Reality Series resources help support this directive.

Five Virtual Reality (VR) videos provide an immersion experience to increase empathy. The immersion, accessible through any smartphone, provides a first-person view into trauma-informed approaches to data collection.

Before engaging with the VR videos, we recommend that you start with the Facilitator’s Guide which provides helpful information to support the use of the VR videos as part of a group training curriculum. Additionally, there is a brief Human-Centered Approach to Intake video which provides helpful context and reviews why identifying questions, such as those about race and gender, might be stressful to answer and suggests strategies that minimize or eliminate potential frustration or disenfranchisement at the point of intake.

View the Resource Collection

Training Opportunity: LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency

The Office of Care Coordination, on behalf of the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC), is hosting the upcoming training opportunity. The
LGBTQ Center OC is providing a training on cultural competency when working with the LGBTQ+ community.

The LGBTQ+ 101 training will provide necessary language to reaffirm the identities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) people. Attendees will learn the complexity of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and pronounce use. This training provides tools organizations can utilize to make their work environment a safe space for staff and clients alike.

This virtual training requires registration.
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Please register to attend by Wednesday, September 20, 2023: Click this link

If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Care Coordination at

Training Opportunity: Medi-Cal Renewals Webinar

The Office of Care Coordination would like to share a training opportunity on behalf of Homebase. Homebase has launched a Medi-Cal Renewals outreach campaign to help people experiencing homelessness in California retain their Medi-Cal coverage. By educating homeless systems of care, Homebase aims to slow down the loss of coverage for Medi-Cal members without a current mailing address.

Homebase will provide specific guidance on how homeless providers and health enrollment navigators can help clients navigate the renewals process. Additionally, Homebase will share online tools that outline these strategies, which meeting participants can utilize and share in their own communities. There will be ample time for meeting participants to ask questions and/or provide comments. This virtual training requires registration.
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Time: 12:30pm
Please register to attend at: Click this link

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Homebase at

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