Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Training

The Office of Care Coordination, and in partnership with the Health Care Agency is hosting a training on how Coordinated Entry System (CES) participants can become Mental Health Service Act (MHSA) certified.

There is no need to register. Please see the Zoom link below at attend.

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Meeting Link via Zoom:  Click here for the meeting link
Meeting ID: 647 571 4255
Join by phone: +1 669 900 9128

If you have any questions, please email

OC CES Academy / CES 101 Training

OC HMIS sharing on behalf of The Office of Care Coordination (OCC).

OCC is proud to announce the launch of the Orange County (OC) Coordinated Entry System (CES) Academy, a training platform, and the launch of the CES 101 training module. The CES 101 training module is an introductory course that will provide an overview of CES. The CES 101 training module is designed with a wide audience in mind and has something for the most experienced CES navigator or someone unfamiliar with CES. The OC CES Academy will continue to evolve over time to include training modules for Access Points and Housing Providers that will focus on specific CES processes and procedures, as the need arises for additional CES tools and resources, and when CES policies and practices change.

To view OC CES Academy, visit, where you can register to create an account or continue as a guest. Please note currently it is not possible to use a “” email address to create an account.

The Office of Care Coordination encourages you to utilize the same email that you use to sign into the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database to create an account. This will be helpful in the future as completion of the CES 101 module and future trainings applicable to your role will be required for CES access and this will support our tracking of the training completion. This will be a supplement to and does not replace the existing required CES and HMIS training courses provided by OC HMIS.

Please reach out to with any questions.

Vicarious Trauma and Self Care Training

OC HMIS sharing on behalf of the Orange County Family Violence Council Domestic Violence, Homelessness, and Sexual Assault Task Force.

Please join a training where participants will understand the foundation of vicarious trauma that providers experience in their line of work and the importance of practicing self-care as a means to manage trauma in the workplace.

Friday, March 21st 2 pm – 3 pm

Location: Zoom

Presenters: Veronica Stephens Director of Education and Outreach, Laura’s House and Claudia Flores Director of Clinical Services, Radiant Futures

Email Sara Behmerwohld at with “SELF-CARE TRAINING” in subject line to receive Zoom info.

HMIS Clarity Outage 3/6/2025

Please be advised that as of Thursday, March 6, 2025 OC HMIS Clarity users may experience errors with the site including:

“504 Gateway Timeout Error.”
“Parse Error…”
“An internal server error occurred.”

The OC HMIS Team thanks users for their patience as Bitfocus continues to actively address the partial outage.

SOAR Webinar: Understanding New SSA Policies and Online Services -March 6th, 2025 – 12:00 PM PST

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has recently updated many of its policies and enhanced its online services. SOAR-trained providers must stay informed about these updates, especially those that impact providing quality and effective SSI/SSDI representation for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Join us for an informative webinar where we will discuss some of those key policy and online services updates which affect the SOAR community. You’ll hear from panelists from the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center and SSA. A SOAR provider will also share their knowledge about these changes and strategies for collaborating with your local SSA Field Offices to help applicants access SSI/SSDI benefits.

March 6th at 12pm

Register for webinar.

Q3 2024 Data Quality Report Cards Published

The Q3 2024 HMIS Data Report Cards have been published! Review your agency’s data here!

These report cards look at the main components of Data Quality: Data Completeness, Data Accuracy, and Data Timeliness for the reporting period 7/1/2024 – 9/30/2024.

The first tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Completeness and Data Accuracy of the Universal Data Elements for each project in our system, and for all our system as a whole. This tab includes:

  • The Percentage of enrollments that fall into the following data response categories: Valid Responses, Don’t know/Prefers not to Answer, Data not Collected, Missing Response, and Data Issues.
  • The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.

The second tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Timeliness of each project of our system. This tab shows the percentage of enrollments that fall into the following length of time categories: 0-3 days, 4-7 days, 16-30 days, and more than 31 days.

The Report Cards can now be filtered by Agency Name. To view the results for a particular agency, navigate to the dropdown labeled “Agency” and make a selection. The report can also be filtered by Project Name.

If you have any questions, please enter a ticket to the HMIS Help Desk.

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