Reminder: 2022 HMIS Part 2 Recertification

As a reminder, all users whose accounts were created prior to 6/1/22 will be required to complete the 2022 HMIS Part 2 Recertification by January 31st in order to maintain their access to HMIS. Please log into your agency’s Dropbox in order to see a list of the users at your agency that have not completed the required Recertification yet. Required users that have not completed the recertification by January 31st will have their accounts locked until the recertification has been completed.

Agency Administrators must submit the 2022 HMIS Part 2 Recertification Form for their users once the recertification has been completed. Please limit the form to five users or less to ensure a timely response to the submission, and submit any questions to the HMIS Help Desk.

Thank you!

2023 HIC and Sheltered PIT

The 2023 HIC and Sheltered PIT is here! This process includes agencies with Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, or Other Permanent Housing projects, whether or not those projects participate in HMIS. For more information, please review the 2023 HIC & Sheltered PIT knowledge base article.

For more information regarding the HIC and Sheltered PIT process, the HIC and Sheltered PIT training will be held on January 19th from 10:00 – 11:00. We recommend that all agencies attend this training, as the HIC data collection methodology has changed.

Please note the following due dates for the HIC and Sheltered PIT process:

  • January 23rd: Night of the Count
  • January 26th: Agencies complete data entry in HMIS or comparable database
  • January 27th: 211OC sends all agencies HIC Forms, and sends HMIS participating agencies PIT data
  • February 10th: Agencies submit final HIC Forms and PIT data to 211OC

Register Today: HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course: Cohort Seven – Starting January 17, 2023

Registration is now open for the seventh cohort of the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course. The goal of this immersive course is to provide a conceptual and practical framework for ad hoc reporting utilizing HMIS data. This self-paced course is open to anyone in your community who is interested in analyzing, interpreting, and communicating HMIS data. This is an introductory level course and might be a good fit for newer members of your HMIS team or someone looking to brush up on their data skills. Participants are not expected to have high-level technical or statistical skills; only basic knowledge of the following is needed:

• HMIS data standards
• How to pull an HMIS comma-separated value (CSV) file set (unless the participant has access to someone who can pull HMIS reports for them)
• How to enter data into Excel and navigate within it

The data analytics course will equip participants with the skills to create a data brief highlighting trends to engage communities to drive insights into action. A combination of content, hands-on skill-building, and recommended resources are provided to help a basic data user build skills and knowledge necessary to be an advanced data professional while providing opportunities for ongoing professional development and learning.

Participants will have eight weeks to complete six course modules at their own pace. Course participants will also receive a certificate upon completion of all six modules.

The seventh offering of the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course will be held from January 17 – March 17, 2023.
Please Note: Registration is limited to 250 individuals and will automatically close once the course is at capacity. When registering, please use the code 2023JANHMIS.

Register for Cohort Seven

For more information, please visit the course syllabus and the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course page.

For any questions regarding the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course, please contact

HUD EXCHANGE – From our Partners: Braiding Resources to Develop & Strengthen Partnerships Webinar – January 9, 2023

The Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC) is sponsoring a webinar on January 9, 2023, at 2:00 PM EST to discuss how state and local systems can develop lasting cross-sector partnerships to increase access to accessible, affordable housing and supportive services for people with disabilities, older adults, and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Training Objectives

Participants will discover:

  • Key connection points and approaches for developing partnerships between community living support service providers and rental housing assistance providers
  • Steps to identify and align funding and programs to create a comprehensive service and housing system
  • Key components of the partnership development process and lessons learned from other successful models
  • Strategies to strengthen and incentivize collaborations over time
Register for the Webinar

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The webinar will include real-time captioning and ASL interpreting. If you need any additional accommodations, or if you have questions, please email

Rapid Rehousing Roundtable Discussion Series – Starting December 8, 2022

HUD is sponsoring a second round of the Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Roundtable Discussion Series, kicking off December 8, 2022 at 1:30 PM EST, with the topic of Advancing Equity. Additional sessions will follow every six weeks, with topics to be determined along the way. Each webinar in the series will host a facilitated dialogue amongst a small group of panelists and will include an opportunity for participants to submit questions to the panelists and technical assistance (TA) providers. Learn how to join the first session on December 8.

Earlier this year, HUD sponsored the first round of the roundtable discussions to identify, imagine, and increase trends that support innovation in RRH services and programs. Practitioners, policy-makers, and people with lived experience of homelessness shared their thoughts, challenges, and promising practices on topics including racial equity, assertive engagement, and landlord recruitment. View materials and recordings from the previous sessions.

Training Objectives
Participants will learn about:

  • Advancing equity throughout Rapid Rehousing design and implementation
  • Maximizing limited resources
  • Staffing models and practices that promote equity and improve outcomes
  • Effective strategies for engaging with landlords and identifying housing pathways
  • Service delivery strategies

Joining Instructions
The Advancing Equity through RRH session is taking place on December 8, 2022 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM EST.

Participants do not need to register in advance. It is strongly recommended that you join each webinar 15 minutes prior to the start time (1:15 PM EST). To join each webinar, simple access the login page at the link: Join the Webinar

Save the Date
Round Table topics will be determined as the series progresses. Save the date for upcoming sessions:

Round Table Topic Date and Time
TBD January 19, 2023 1:30 – 3:00 PM EST
TBD March 2, 2023 1:30 – 3:00 PM EST
TBD April 13, 2023 1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
TBD May 25, 2023 1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
TBD June 28, 2023 1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT

REMINDER: Continuum of Care Training Opportunities

The Office of Care Coordination, on behalf of the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC), is hosting upcoming training opportunities intended to equip service providers, local partners, and community members with information on resources and best practices for the homeless service system. Please find details below on the upcoming training opportunities.

Housing First Training

This training will provide essential tools and techniques for Housing First implementation in design and operation by program model, including street outreach, emergency shelter and/or permanent housing. The training will cover the services and structures necessary to ensure successful housing placements, housing retention and long-term stability. This training will be held in-person.

Date: Thursday, November 17th, 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: County Administration South (CAS) Building Conference Center Room 104
Address: 425 West Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92701

Safety Planning for Survivors Experiencing Homelessness Training

The training is intended for advocates, survivors, housing and homeless service providers, victim service providers, and program administrators. Through this training, attendees will learn safety planning based on housing status and best practices. For additional details on the upcoming training opportunity, reference the flyer here for additional information.
Date: Friday, November 18th, 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Meeting LinkClick here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 213 427 875 351
Passcode: 8GgxUq
Or call in (audio only): +1 949-543-0845
Phone Conference ID: 972 334 636#

If you have questions about the trainings, please reach out to the Office of Care Coordination at

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