FY 2023 CoC Program Competition Deadline Reminder: September 28, 2023 – New Resources Available

The application submission deadline for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Grants (YHDP) is approaching. The FY 2023 CoC Consolidated Applications, that includes the CoC Application and CoC Priority Listing with all project applications either approved and ranked or rejected, are due Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM EDT.

Please allow ample time to complete your FY 2023 CoC Consolidated Application, and do not wait until the last minute to submit via e-snaps to HUD. HUD strongly recommends that Collaborative Applicants submit their applications at least 24 – 48 hours before the deadline.

Note: The CoC Application and the CoC Priority Listing are separate submissions in e-snaps; therefore, Collaborative Applicants must ensure that both the CoC Application and the CoC Priority Listing, that includes all project applications either approved and ranked or rejected, are submitted in e-snaps prior to the application submission deadline of September 28, 2023, by 8:00 PM EDT.


The following documents have been posted on the CoC Program Competition page of the HUD.gov website:

  1. CoC Application FAQs
  2. Revised FY 2023 Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIWs)
    • Multiple CoCs required additional corrections after the revised GIWs were originally posted. This primarily impacted CoCs with YHDP projects renewing during the FY 2023 competition.
    • These revisions were marked with a September 1, 2023, revision date.
      • Please be advised: the GIW provides CoC stakeholders with an inventory of renewal grants and the total amount of funding each renewal grant may apply for. While the GIW is expected to be as close to accurate as possible, HUD understands that grant agreement amendments may continue to be fully executed up until the application submission deadline; therefore, renewal project applicants must ensure the BLI amounts in the renewal project application match the amounts listed in expiring grant agreement or grant agreement as amended – even if inaccuracies exist on the HUD Posted GIW.
  3. FY 2023 CoC Estimated Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) Reports – updated based on revised GIWS
    • One report for all Collaborative Applicants
    • One report for Collaborative Applicants with Unified Funding Agency (UFA) designation and includes the available UFA Costs amount
  4. Updated FY 2023 Geocode Report including Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) amounts
  5. Rural Area Geocode Report
    • New project applications applying to serve populations located in the geographic areas identified on the Rural Area Geocode Report may request funding under the new Rural Costs budget line item (BLI). See section III.B.4.a.(4) of the FY 2023 CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for more information.
  6. FY 2023 CoC NOFO Webinar Video and Slides – will be posted imminently


  • Questions regarding the FY 2023 CoC Program Competition process must be submitted to CoCNOFO@hud.gov

Technical questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to e-snaps@hud.gov

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