Register Today: HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course: Cohort Five – Starting July 18, 2022

Registration is now open for the fifth cohort of the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course. The goal of this immersive course is to provide a conceptual and practical framework for ad hoc reporting utilizing HMIS data. This self-paced course is open to anyone in your community who is interested in analyzing, interpreting, and communicating HMIS data. This is an introductory level course and might be a good fit for newer members of your HMIS team or someone looking to brush up on their data skills. Participants are not expected to have high-level technical or statistical skills; only basic knowledge of the following is needed:
  • HMIS data standards
  • How to pull an HMIS comma-separated value (CSV) file set (unless the participant has access to someone who can pull HMIS reports for them)
  • How to enter data into Excel and navigate within it
The data analytics course will equip participants with the skills to create a data brief highlighting trends to engage communities to drive insights into action. A combination of content, hands-on skill-building, and recommended resources are provided to help a basic data user build skills and knowledge necessary to be an advanced data professional while providing opportunities for ongoing professional development and learning. Participants will have eight weeks to complete six course modules at their own pace. Course participants will also receive a certificate upon completion of all six modules.

The fifth offering of the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course will be held from July 18 – September 9, 2022.

Please Note: Registration is limited to 250 individuals and will automatically close once the course is at capacity. When registering, please use the code 2022JULYHMIS.

Register for Cohort Five

For more information, please visit the course syllabus and the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course page.

Register Today: HOPWA Consolidated APR/CAPER Orientation Webinar – August 9, 2022 – 3:00 PM EDT

For Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) grantees with Annual Performance Reports (APR)/Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (CAPER) due to HUD on or after January 1, 2023, a new Consolidated APR/CAPER reporting format will go into effect, superseding all previous HOPWA APR and CAPER forms. The new form restructures, consolidates, and streamlines the annually reported data for grantees, increasing the usability of HOPWA performance data for grantees and HUD alike.

HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH) is sponsoring a webinar to introduce the new HOPWA performance report, the Consolidated APR/CAPER. The webinar is intended for all HOPWA grantees, project sponsors, and community partners. The orientation webinar will go over:

  • The purpose of changing to the new Consolidated APR/CAPER
  • The format of the Consolidated APR/CAPER
  • The submission process for the Consolidated APR/CAPER
  • A review of the data elements collected

Registration Instructions

Register for the webinar here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with joining information.

Webinar Point of Contact

If you have questions about registration for this webinar, please contact

From Our Partners: Thinking Outside the Box Housing Webinar Series: Key Development Concepts and Housing Models for Justice System Leaders

The Thinking Outside the Box Housing Webinar Series: Cross-Sector Strategies to Create Housing Opportunities for People with Behavioral Health Needs Leaving the Justice System was created by the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and their Technical Assistance (TA) provider, the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center. This series provides tools for meaningful collaboration with housing, behavioral health, and other key partners to fully leverage available funding to provide and develop housing for people leaving the justice system.

The next webinar in the series, Key Development Concepts and Housing Models for Justice System Leaders, will be held on July 21, 2022, 11:00am – 12:30 PM PDT. Participants must register for the webinar in advance by clicking here.

Materials Posted: NHSDC 2022 Spring Conference

The recordings and materials from eight sessions of the National Human Services Data Consortium (NHSDC) Spring 2022 Conference are now posted.

The conference took place from March 29-30, 2022, and brought together human services data professionals from around the country to learn best practices, inspire one another, and make connections. The materials from the following sessions are available:

  • Understanding the HUD 2024 Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Standards Process with the Technical Assistance (TA) Team
  • Implementing Effective Contract Negotiation and Relationship Management Strategies 201
  • HMIS Project Management and Annual Calendar of Expectations
  • Using Data to Move Racial Equity Conversations Forward
  • Workshop: You and Stella – Together Again
  • How to Spend Down Emergency Solutions Grants – CARES Act (ESG-CV) Expiring Funds to Advance Your Data Analysis Efforts
  • Designing an End to Homelessness with Stella Modeling
  • Understand the Prioritization and Data Connection: Prioritization 101

View the Recordings

Project Performance Overview Updates

The Project Performance Overview document has been updated with the thresholds below. These thresholds were discussed during the June 2022 Data & Performance Management Meeting. Review the meeting materials for details.

  • Goal 6 – Help Adults Increase Their Income while Enrolled in the Project
  • Goal 7 – Help Adults Increase Their Income as of Project Exit
    • Updated threshold for Transitional Housing projects is >=40%

Centering Racial Equity in the Work to End Homelessness: Aligning Vision with Practice at the Systems Level Webinar – June 16, 2022

Figuring out how to center racial equity in the work to end homelessness can be done effectively with strategic planning, the right information, and investment. Systems leaders have a high level of influence over cultural norms, policy, and practice, making them well positioned to shape homelessness system design to promote racial equity.

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is sponsoring a webinar on Thursday, June 16, 2022, from 1:00 – 2:15 PM EDT (10:00 – 11:15 AM PST) to offer some practical road maps for making profound and sustainable change at the systems level. Participants will hear from leaders that are taking steps such as revamping coordinated entry to factor equity into new housing subsidies to statewide plans.

The following speakers will present during this session:
  • Va Lecia Adams Kellum, Ph.D., President and CEO of St. Joseph Center
  • Nichele J. Carver, Associate Director, Homeless and Special Needs Housing of the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)


Q1 2022 HMIS Data Report Cards

The Q1 2022 HMIS Data Report Cards have been published! Review your agency’s data here!

These report cards look at the main components of Data Quality: Data Completeness, Data Accuracy, and Data Timeliness.

The first tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Completeness and Data Accuracy of the Universal Data Elements for each project in our system, and for all our system as a whole. This tab includes:

  • The Percentage of enrollments that fall into the following data response categories: Valid Responses, Don’t know/Refused, Data not Collected, Missing Response, and Data Issues The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.
  • The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.

The second tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Timeliness of each project of our system. This tab shows the percentage of enrollments that fall into the following length of time categories: 0-3 days, 4-7 days, 16-30 days, and more than 31 days.

If you have any questions, please enter a ticket to the HMIS Help Desk.

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