Data Quality Report Cards Q3 2023 Published!

The Q3 2023 HMIS Data Report Cards have been published! Review your agency’s data here!

These report cards look at the main components of Data Quality: Data Completeness, Data Accuracy, and Data Timeliness.

The first tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Completeness and Data Accuracy of the Universal Data Elements for each project in our system, and for all our system as a whole. This tab includes:

  • The Percentage of enrollments that fall into the following data response categories: Valid Responses, Don’t know/Refused, Data not Collected, Missing Response, and Data Issues The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.
  • The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.

The second tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Timeliness of each project of our system. This tab shows the percentage of enrollments that fall into the following length of time categories: 0-3 days, 4-7 days, 16-30 days, and more than 31 days.

The Report Cards can now be filtered by Agency Name. To view the results for a particular agency, navigate to the dropdown labeled “Agency” and make a selection. The report can also be filtered by Project Name.

If you have any questions, please enter a ticket to the HMIS Help Desk.

Data Quality Report Cards Q2 2023 Published!

The Q2 2023 HMIS Data Report Cards have been published! Review your agency’s data here!

These report cards look at the main components of Data Quality: Data Completeness, Data Accuracy, and Data Timeliness.

The first tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Completeness and Data Accuracy of the Universal Data Elements for each project in our system, and for all our system as a whole. This tab includes:

  • The Percentage of enrollments that fall into the following data response categories: Valid Responses, Don’t know/Refused, Data not Collected, Missing Response, and Data Issues The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.
  • The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.

The second tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Timeliness of each project of our system. This tab shows the percentage of enrollments that fall into the following length of time categories: 0-3 days, 4-7 days, 16-30 days, and more than 31 days.

The Report Cards can now be filtered by Agency Name. To view the results for a particular agency, navigate to the dropdown labeled “Agency” and make a selection. The report can also be filtered by Project Name.

If you have any questions, please enter a ticket to the HMIS Help Desk.

Register Today: HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course: Cohort Eight – Starting April 3, 2023

Registration is now open for the eighth cohort of the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course. The goal of this immersive course is to provide a conceptual and practical framework for ad hoc reporting utilizing HMIS data. This self-paced course is open to anyone in your community who is interested in analyzing, interpreting, and communicating HMIS data. This is an introductory level course and might be a good fit for newer members of your HMIS team or someone looking to brush up on their data skills. Participants are not expected to have high-level technical or statistical skills; only basic knowledge of the following is needed:

  • HMIS data standards
  • How to pull an HMIS comma-separated value (CSV) file set, unless the participant has access to someone who can pull HMIS reports for them
  • How to enter data into Excel and navigate within it

The data analytics course will equip participants with the skills to create a data brief highlighting trends to engage communities to drive insights into action. A combination of content, hands-on skill-building, and recommended resources are provided to help a basic data user build skills and knowledge necessary to be an advanced data professional while providing opportunities for ongoing professional development and learning. Participants will have eight weeks to complete six course modules at their own pace. Course participants will also receive a certificate upon completion of all six modules.

For any questions regarding the HMIS Data Analytics On-Demand Course, please contact

LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training

The Office of Care Coordination, on behalf of the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC), is hosting the upcoming training opportunity. Please find details below on the upcoming LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency training opportunity.

Training: LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency 

The LGBTQ Center OC is providing a training on cultural competency when working with the LGBTQ+ community to increase understanding, knowledge, and support for an underserved population. The training will cover the following material: key terms, sexualilties and gender identities, implicit biases, local support agencies and case scenarios. 

Note: this virtual training requires registration. Please register by Wednesday, October 26, 2022 and reference the attached flyer here for additional information.

Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Registration link If you have questions about the trainings, please reach out to the Office of Care Coordination at

Q2 2022 HMIS Data Report Cards

The Q2 2022 HMIS Data Report Cards have been published! Review your agency’s data here!

These report cards look at the main components of Data Quality: Data Completeness, Data Accuracy, and Data Timeliness.

The first tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Completeness and Data Accuracy of the Universal Data Elements for each project in our system, and for all our system as a whole. This tab includes:

  • The Percentage of enrollments that fall into the following data response categories: Valid Responses, Don’t know/Refused, Data not Collected, Missing Response, and Data Issues The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.
  • The Average Data Completeness Score by project: This is a unique indicator of data completeness for each project.

The second tab of the Report Cards assesses the Data Timeliness of each project of our system. This tab shows the percentage of enrollments that fall into the following length of time categories: 0-3 days, 4-7 days, 16-30 days, and more than 31 days.

If you have any questions, please enter a ticket to the HMIS Help Desk.

Update: Closing the Gap: Homelessness to Housing Webinar Series

Registration is open for the next three sessions: Street Outreach, Implementing System Change, and Optimizing Service Delivery. Register today!

This webinar series provides guidance and fosters innovation in best practices and strategies in stakeholder engagement for homelessness services systems. It will cover topics designed to help communities establish equitable, effective homelessness responses through meaningful collaboration, resource coordination, and efficient service delivery.

Training Objectives

Participants will learn about:

  • Incorporating people with lived experience and expertise into homelessness responses
  • Coordinating with healthcare and other non-federal resources
  • Creating direct pathways from homelessness to housing
  • Operationalizing best practices
  • Identifying and connecting with community resources

Who Should Attend?

This webinar series is intended for everyone involved in the homelessness response system, including but not limited to Continuum of Care (CoC) staff and leadership, program administrators, direct service staff and program management, and recipients and sub-recipients of Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and CoC funding.

Schedule and Registration

Webinar Title Date and Time Registration
Stakeholder Engagement and Advancing Equity August 4, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Materials Coming Soon
Coordinating Homeless Services Resources August 11, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Materials Coming Soon
Street Outreach August 18, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now
Implementing System Change August 25, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now
Optimizing Service Delivery September 1, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now

*** You must have a HUD Exchange account to register. Follow these instructions for registering

Training Point of Contact

Homelessness to Housing Webinar Series Registrar |

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