211OC Is Hiring

It is with much regret that we must inform the community that Casey Parnis, an HMIS Data Analyst, is no longer working at 211OC.

With Casey’s departure, the HMIS department is currently a little short-handed so please bear with us in the interim while we go through the hiring process.

We are currently seeking candidates for HMIS Jr. Data Analyst and HMIS Data Analyst positions. If you know of anyone qualified, please share the job links.

211OC Job Openings


August 2016 Spotlight: Program Specific Data Elements at Entry

Below are all programs that met the data quality threshold for Quarter Two 2016. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Emergency Shelter – 90% or above

  • fsi_Self-Sufficiency Program
  • ifh_HAPP Prevention
  • mcy_CA State ESG
  • oc2_Emergency Shelter
  • fsi_Laguna Beach Alternate Sleeping Location
  • mcy_Regina House Emergency
  • cst_Casa Teresa Emergency Maternity Shelter
  • mcy_Armory_Emergency_Shelter
  • mcy_Family_Redirection_Program
  • cch_FV/Emergency
  • ghh_Anaheim ESG
  • fis_Via Esperanza
  • fis_New Vista Emergency
  • WTLC_ 45-Day Program
  • WTLC_90-Day Program

Homeless Prevention – 95% or above

  • fcc_SSVF Homeless Prevention
  • mhl_SSVF Operation Healthy Homecoming Prevention
  • mcy_CDBG Costa Mesa HP
  • ths_Homeless Prevention Initiative
  • uvi_SSVF Homeless Prevention
  • voa_SSVF Homeless Prevention Priority 2
  • voa_SSVF Homeless Prevention Priority 1
  • sme_CSA_ESG
  • mcy_Emmanuel Residence
  • ifh_CSA_ESG_Street Outreach
  • pha-FamilyStabilityProgram HP

Outreach – 85% or above

  • spd_HEART Program
  • ctc_CTC Street Outreach

Permanent Housing – 95% or above

  • oc4_Permanent Housing 2
  • oc4_AFH Westminster
  • trp_Tyrol Plaza
  • cch_Olinda Permanent Supportive Housing
  • cch_CCH Housing First
  • fsi_Henderson House Supportive Housing
  • mcy_Katharine Drexel Residence III
  • spc_2011 Shelter Plus Care SRA VOALA
  • spc_2009 New Shelter Plus Care TRA Project
  • spc_Jackson Aisle Shelter Plus Care PRA Renewal
  • spc_Shelter Plus Care Colettes Childrens Home
  • spc_VASH
  • mcy_CoC PSH Leasing
  • mcy_MCY PSH Collaborative
  • oc4_Permanent Housing Collaborative
  • fis_CCH PTC
  • jhf_Scattered Site Permanent Housing Program
  • ifh_SHP Stanton Multi-Service Center
  • spc_2006 Shelter Plus Care TRA Renewal Project
  • spc_2005 Shelter Plus Care TRA Renewal Project
  • spc_2008 Shelter Plus Care TRA Project
  • spc_Shelter Plus Care Mercy House
  • spc_#1 Consolidated Shelter Plus Care TRA
  • mcy_CoC Leasing

Rapid Re-Housing – 95% or above

  • mcy_CoC Rapid Re-housing (HO)
  • mcy_CDBG Costa Mesa RRH
  • fis_FAM PTC
  • fis_Housing St. Jude (HSJ)
  • VOA_SSVF Rapid Re-housing Priority 1
  • oc_Housing First
  • oc_HUD Rapid Re-housing
  • voa_SSVF Rapid Re-housing Priority 2
  • mcy_OCUW – FACE Rapid Rehousing
  • fcc_SSVF Rapid Re-housing
  • mcy_OC Calworks
  • mcy_ESG Orange County RRP
  • mcy_ESG Santa Ana RRP
  • spn_GAPP UW FACE 2024 Rapid Re-housing

Services Only – 85% or above

  • mha_Back To Work
  • mha_Multi Service Center
  • mha_Housing Assistance

Transitional Housing – 95% or above

  • cch_FV/Transitional
  • oc_I – Transitional Housing
  • Second Step
  • mcy_Joseph House
  • oci_Transitional Housing Program
  • ths_Homeless Family Shelter #10
  • oc3_Positive Steps
  • oc4_American Family Housing Collaborative
  • gil_ Gilchrist HouseTransitional Shelter
  • cch_Dairyview
  • OCR_Hope Family Housing – Buena Park
  • oc2_Transitional Housing
  • mcy_Bethany House
  • his_HIS House Transitional Housing
  • cch_Anaheim/Ariel
  • cch_Colettes Childrens Home #2

July HMIS Statistics

There are currently 41 agencies and 155 homeless projects using HMIS in Orange County.

As of 7/31/2016, 56 agencies have entered 76,563 clients into the system since inception. This is an increase of 0.91% over the previous month of June, and a 6.97% increase since 12/31/15.

NEW: HUD Data Standards Tutorials

HUD has recently released a series of tutorials on the HUDExchange website that go over important information on selected data standards. From HUD’s email:

These multi-segmented tutorials explain select required data elements in greater detail. The tutorials provide information about when a data element is collected, who the data is collected from, how to collect the data, and where to report it.

These tutorials are designed as a resource for HMIS Lead agency and local Continuum of Care (CoC) project staff who seek a more detailed understanding of each data element. CoCs and HMIS leads are encouraged to use these tutorials to supplement local HMIS data standard trainings. There is no particular order to the tutorials.

To see the entire email from HUD and access links to the tutorials, please click here.

June HMIS Statistics

There are currently 41 agencies and 155 homeless projects using HMIS in Orange County.

As of 6/30/2016, 56 agencies have entered 75,870 clients into the system since inception. This is an increase of 0.69% over the previous month of May, and a 6.00% increase since 12/31/15.

The Realignment of HUD CoC Funding – Winners and Losers

On Homeless and Poverty

An article by Urban Initiatives

The Realignment of HUD Continuum of Care Program Funding:
Some Continuums of Care will be Winners and Some will be Losers

By Joe Colletti, PhD
Institute for Urban Initiatives on Homelessness and Poverty


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has begun to realign its annual Continuum of Care Program competitive funding which is about $2 billion annually. As a result, some HUD designated continuums of care for homeless assistance1 will likely see a significant increase in total funding, while others may remain stagnant or likely see significant decreases over the next couple of years. Such was the case in 2015 in California…

Click here to read entire article


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