Housing Inventory Count (HIC)

The Housing Inventory Count collects information about all of the beds and units in each Continuum of Care homeless system, categorized by Provider Project Types.

All CoCs are required to conduct a HIC count every year. Counts must be conducted during the last ten days in January. CoCs submit their HIC data via HUD’s Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) in the Spring.

To see HIC data for our CoC throughout the years, check out the CoC Housing Inventory County Reports.

*Chart includes year-round and seasonal beds available as of the date of the HIC for that year, and doesn’t include overflow beds or beds that were under development.

20242024 HIC Overview2024 HIC
20232023 HIC Overview2023 HIC
2022 2022 HIC Overview 2022 HIC
2021 2021 HIC Overview 2021 HIC
20202020 HIC Overview2020 HIC
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